SSA Troop ByLaws
Revised: December 26, 2009
A boy is eligible to register as a Boy Scout when he has earned the Arrow of Light as a Cub Scout, or has completed the fifth grade, or is eleven (11) years old and under eighteen (18) years of age. He also may transfer from another troop. A boy may not participate in any troop activities until he is registered through the Boy Scout Headquarters and starts paying his monthly dues in the troop. Parents wishing membership for their son in Troop 3 MUST PERFORM THE FOLLOWING STEPS:
All Boy Scouts will obtain their Boy Scout Handbook and uniform as quickly as possible. Information as to the style of uniform, insignias, hat, neckerchief, and how and where to purchase these items may be obtained from the Scoutmaster. THE FULL UNIFORM MUST BE WORN TO ALL TROOP MEETINGS AND ANY TROOP ACTIVITIES. The full uniform consists of: Boy Scout shirt (with proper insignia), Boy Scout trousers (or kaki trousers of any brand or blue jeans if not a Court of Honor or Boy Scout shorts worn with Boy Scout socks), Troop neckerchief (with any type of slide), and an approved Scout belt (Scout hat is optional). Uniforms must be clean and properly worn at all times as prescribed in the Boy Scout Handbook. CLASS “B” UNIFORMS (TROOP T-SHIRT OR OTHER SCOUT RELATED SHIRT) ARE TO BE WORN FOR ACTIVITIES THAT DO NOT REQUIRE THE FULL CLASS “A” UNIFORM (SUCH AS OUTINGS AND CERTAIN SERVICE PROJECTS).
Meetings are scheduled every Monday of each week at Spiritus Sanctus Academy Plymouth School during the school year unless otherwise notified. The Troop Meeting starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m. Please drop off and pick up your son at these times. One Monday night each month there will be no Troop Meeting so that each patrol can meet separately. Check the Troop Calendar and Scoutmaster hand-outs for these dates.
Permission slips and notices of scouting events and outings will be made available to each scout several weeks before that event takes place. When the permission slip, properly filled out and accompanied with the cost of that outing, is received, on or before the due date and if the dues are current, the Scout is eligible to attend the outing. No payments will be received or accepted after the due date. If there are not enough drivers or adult supervisors for an outing - the outing will be canceled by the Scoutmaster and/or his assistant.
Refunds - in the event of a Scout cancellation of an activity, the refund will be based on the cost of the activity, less any expenses that have been paid at the time of the cancellation.
Annual dues are $75.00. These dues are payable to the Troop Treasurer by December 31st. All dues must be current in order for a Scout to participate in any scouting event or outing. When a boy fails to pay his monthly dues or conducts himself in a manner unbecoming of a Scout, he will be dropped from this Troop until he and his parents or guardian meet with a representative of the Troop Committee for discussion and plan of action upon his reinstatement. Each Boy Scout is expected to notify his patrol leader when he is unable to attend a troop meeting.
A scout must have all of his rank advancement signed off by the Scoutmaster or the Assistant Scoutmasters. Scouts of at least First Class rank may sign off on T-2-1 requirements (but not rank). Parents are not to sign off on any scout requirements unless appointed by the Scoutmaster.
When a scout is ready and wants to get signed off on a particular item, he can set up an appointment to see any of the above qualified people; he may also be signed off at a Troop Meeting or on a Troop campout.
The Scout should bring his Boy Scout Handbook to each troop meeting and campout to allow a review of his progress, and to indicate to the Scoutmaster when to turn in the Scout’s name for an award.
After a scout has completed the necessary requirements for advancement in rank, and has had a Scoutmaster conference, he is ready for review by the Troop Committee. This review is to confirm the recommendation by the Scoutmaster for advancement of the scout. The scout should contact the troop Advancement Chairman to schedule a Board of Review.
The Troop has several fund raisers each year in which Every Scout is encouraged to participate in. These fund raisers are for:
No moneys will be paid directly to a Scout. All funds earned through fund raisers and activities will be deposited into an individual savings account for each Scout. Any refunds from outings will also be deposited into this account.
Disbursements from this account will be for reimbursements of purchasing uniforms or parts, scouting activities, dues, book, scouting equipment, and any other scouting related cost.
Parents wishing continued membership for their son(s) in Troop 3, and understanding that this program recognizes the home as the greatest influence in a boy’s life, must take part in Boy Scouting activities with him by doing the following:
Troop Committee:
Committee Chair
Secretary & Membership
Advancement Coordinator
Assistant Scoutmaster
Religious Advisor
Fund Raising
Equipment & Facilities
Troop Leaders:
Assistant Scoutmasters
Senior Patrol Leader
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Patrol Leaders
Assistant Patrol Leaders
Special Committees - as designated by Chairperson
Committee members shall be any parent or adult (21 years or older) who is interested in scouting. The committee shall meet monthly unless otherwise deemed as necessary. Members shall serve for the duration of their registration (chartered year) on a volunteer basis, without remuneration for time and talent donated.
The Charter Year is February 1st through January 31st.
All Scouts charter fees (including official Scout magazines) will be paid from Troop funds.
All charter fees for Adults (18 years of age and over) registered as leaders or committee members will be paid by the troop.
He/she will be responsible for calling and conducting regular monthly meetings of the committee and any special meetings that may be required; organizing the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed; seeing that these by-laws and such changes that the committee may make are carried out and enforced; working closely with the Scoutmaster in preparation of the order of business for the committee meetings; assisting the Scoutmaster and Treasurer in planning the annual troop budget; ensure that Leadership has training opportunities;
Ensure troop adherence of National and Local Council policies; work closely with the Scouting Coordinator in the following:
See Attachment “A” for supplement to by-laws covering the duties of the Committee members.
The primary job of the Scoutmaster is to plan Troop programs and train the boy leaders of the Troop; to carry out the planned program of the Troop after obtaining the approval and assistance of the Troop Committee; work with other responsible adults to give scouting to boys; help boys grow by encouraging them to learn for themselves; use the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.
Any committee-approved expenditure for the benefit of the troop will be paid out of Troop Funds. A written receipt must be submitted for all expenditures to the Troop Treasurer. The Treasurer will make permanent detailed book-keeping entries and retain receipts of income and expenses on file. A committee-approved expenditure must be approved by the majority of the entire elected and appointed committee.
A Petty Cash Fund shall be set up to take care of expenditures whose totals are under twenty-five ($25) dollars. Each expenditure must have a receipt and be signed by the committee member who incurred this expense.
Adopted by Troop 3 Committee
Troop Committee Chairperson
________________________________ __________________________________
(Date) (Signature)
Troop Committee Scoutmaster
________________________________ __________________________________
(Date) (Signature )
A boy is eligible to register as a Boy Scout when he has earned the Arrow of Light as a Cub Scout, or has completed the fifth grade, or is eleven (11) years old and under eighteen (18) years of age. He also may transfer from another troop. A boy may not participate in any troop activities until he is registered through the Boy Scout Headquarters and starts paying his monthly dues in the troop. Parents wishing membership for their son in Troop 3 MUST PERFORM THE FOLLOWING STEPS:
- Submit name of prospective Boy Scout to the Scoutmaster.
- Troop Scout Leadership will then arrange a meeting with the applicant’s parents at which time the parent will be given a Boy Scout Application, a copy of the Troop 3 By-Laws. The Boy Scout program and parents’ participation in Troop 3 will be discussed at this time.
- When the application is properly filled out and accompanied with the registration or transfer fee & the Boy’s Life subscription fee and submitted to the Scoutmaster at a regular troop meeting, the boy will be inducted into the Troop.
All Boy Scouts will obtain their Boy Scout Handbook and uniform as quickly as possible. Information as to the style of uniform, insignias, hat, neckerchief, and how and where to purchase these items may be obtained from the Scoutmaster. THE FULL UNIFORM MUST BE WORN TO ALL TROOP MEETINGS AND ANY TROOP ACTIVITIES. The full uniform consists of: Boy Scout shirt (with proper insignia), Boy Scout trousers (or kaki trousers of any brand or blue jeans if not a Court of Honor or Boy Scout shorts worn with Boy Scout socks), Troop neckerchief (with any type of slide), and an approved Scout belt (Scout hat is optional). Uniforms must be clean and properly worn at all times as prescribed in the Boy Scout Handbook. CLASS “B” UNIFORMS (TROOP T-SHIRT OR OTHER SCOUT RELATED SHIRT) ARE TO BE WORN FOR ACTIVITIES THAT DO NOT REQUIRE THE FULL CLASS “A” UNIFORM (SUCH AS OUTINGS AND CERTAIN SERVICE PROJECTS).
Meetings are scheduled every Monday of each week at Spiritus Sanctus Academy Plymouth School during the school year unless otherwise notified. The Troop Meeting starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m. Please drop off and pick up your son at these times. One Monday night each month there will be no Troop Meeting so that each patrol can meet separately. Check the Troop Calendar and Scoutmaster hand-outs for these dates.
Permission slips and notices of scouting events and outings will be made available to each scout several weeks before that event takes place. When the permission slip, properly filled out and accompanied with the cost of that outing, is received, on or before the due date and if the dues are current, the Scout is eligible to attend the outing. No payments will be received or accepted after the due date. If there are not enough drivers or adult supervisors for an outing - the outing will be canceled by the Scoutmaster and/or his assistant.
Refunds - in the event of a Scout cancellation of an activity, the refund will be based on the cost of the activity, less any expenses that have been paid at the time of the cancellation.
Annual dues are $75.00. These dues are payable to the Troop Treasurer by December 31st. All dues must be current in order for a Scout to participate in any scouting event or outing. When a boy fails to pay his monthly dues or conducts himself in a manner unbecoming of a Scout, he will be dropped from this Troop until he and his parents or guardian meet with a representative of the Troop Committee for discussion and plan of action upon his reinstatement. Each Boy Scout is expected to notify his patrol leader when he is unable to attend a troop meeting.
A scout must have all of his rank advancement signed off by the Scoutmaster or the Assistant Scoutmasters. Scouts of at least First Class rank may sign off on T-2-1 requirements (but not rank). Parents are not to sign off on any scout requirements unless appointed by the Scoutmaster.
When a scout is ready and wants to get signed off on a particular item, he can set up an appointment to see any of the above qualified people; he may also be signed off at a Troop Meeting or on a Troop campout.
The Scout should bring his Boy Scout Handbook to each troop meeting and campout to allow a review of his progress, and to indicate to the Scoutmaster when to turn in the Scout’s name for an award.
After a scout has completed the necessary requirements for advancement in rank, and has had a Scoutmaster conference, he is ready for review by the Troop Committee. This review is to confirm the recommendation by the Scoutmaster for advancement of the scout. The scout should contact the troop Advancement Chairman to schedule a Board of Review.
The Troop has several fund raisers each year in which Every Scout is encouraged to participate in. These fund raisers are for:
- General Troop items, camping equipment, camping fees, training fees, program material, Troop supplies, etc. Since these expenses are necessary to the operation of the Troop, all scouts are expected to participate in these occasional fundraisers.
- Individual Scouts to earn all of or part of their summer camp costs, personal equipment or uniform costs, outings costs, dues, books, etc. Monies generated by these voluntary fundraisers will be deposited into the scouts individual Scout Bucks fund.
No moneys will be paid directly to a Scout. All funds earned through fund raisers and activities will be deposited into an individual savings account for each Scout. Any refunds from outings will also be deposited into this account.
Disbursements from this account will be for reimbursements of purchasing uniforms or parts, scouting activities, dues, book, scouting equipment, and any other scouting related cost.
Parents wishing continued membership for their son(s) in Troop 3, and understanding that this program recognizes the home as the greatest influence in a boy’s life, must take part in Boy Scouting activities with him by doing the following:
- By supporting, instructing, assisting, and encouraging him in attaining Boy Scout Ranks, Merit Badges, and other awards.
- By assisting and cooperating with Troop Officers and by serving as leaders and/or co-leaders when called upon, and by providing transportation to and from activities and campouts.
- By attending and necessary Troop Meetings, Courts of Honor, and by taking an active part in other troop activities (e.g. fund raisers, summer and weekend campouts, hikes, trips, and special events). Parents are always encouraged to camp with the troop.
Troop Committee:
Committee Chair
Secretary & Membership
Advancement Coordinator
Assistant Scoutmaster
Religious Advisor
Fund Raising
Equipment & Facilities
Troop Leaders:
Assistant Scoutmasters
Senior Patrol Leader
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Patrol Leaders
Assistant Patrol Leaders
Special Committees - as designated by Chairperson
Committee members shall be any parent or adult (21 years or older) who is interested in scouting. The committee shall meet monthly unless otherwise deemed as necessary. Members shall serve for the duration of their registration (chartered year) on a volunteer basis, without remuneration for time and talent donated.
The Charter Year is February 1st through January 31st.
All Scouts charter fees (including official Scout magazines) will be paid from Troop funds.
All charter fees for Adults (18 years of age and over) registered as leaders or committee members will be paid by the troop.
He/she will be responsible for calling and conducting regular monthly meetings of the committee and any special meetings that may be required; organizing the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed; seeing that these by-laws and such changes that the committee may make are carried out and enforced; working closely with the Scoutmaster in preparation of the order of business for the committee meetings; assisting the Scoutmaster and Treasurer in planning the annual troop budget; ensure that Leadership has training opportunities;
Ensure troop adherence of National and Local Council policies; work closely with the Scouting Coordinator in the following:
- Securing adult leaders.
- Implementing programs, especially as related to district and council activities.
- Recruiting boys from the charter organization.
- Re-chartering the Troop annually and arranging for charter review with your commissioner.
- Providing two-way communication between the chartered organization, the troop, district, and council. Conduct annual charter review. See that adult leadership is assigned in the case of the Scoutmaster’s absence or inability to serve.
- Be responsible for troop recruiting plan; supply individual Scout and adult application forms.
- Plan for regular parents’ meetings and annual parents’ review.
- Assist in roll call and inspection program.
- Plan for charter presentation.
- Be responsible for troop courts of honor and the proper presentation of all Scout earned awards.
See Attachment “A” for supplement to by-laws covering the duties of the Committee members.
The primary job of the Scoutmaster is to plan Troop programs and train the boy leaders of the Troop; to carry out the planned program of the Troop after obtaining the approval and assistance of the Troop Committee; work with other responsible adults to give scouting to boys; help boys grow by encouraging them to learn for themselves; use the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.
- Meet regularly with the patrol leaders’ council (PLC) for training and coordination and planning of troop activities.
- Attend all troop meetings or have a qualified assistant scoutmaster substitute for you.
- Attend troop committee meetings.
- Attend Leader Training courses and roundtables.
- Conduct regular parents’ meetings to share the program and encourage parent participation and cooperation
- Take part in annual roll call and uniform inspection, and charter presentation.
- Conduct (or delegate to Assistant Scoutmaster) the Scoutmaster conferences for all progress awards.
- Provide a systematic recruiting plan for new members and see that they are promptly registered.
- Delegate responsibility to other adults and groups (assistants, troop committee) so they have a real part in troop operations.
- Supervise troop elections for boy leadership positions every six months.
- Make it possible for each Scout to experience at least 10 days and nights of camping each year.
- Participate in council and district events.
- Build a sound program by using proven methods presented in Scouting Literature.
- Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boy Scouts of America.
- Work with leadership in preparation for camporees and other District and Council events and activities.
- Take part in Webelos Scout graduation ceremonies in packs related to your troop.
- Serve as the adult troop leader in absence of the Scoutmaster.
- Serve as adviser to the boy leadership corps.
- Work directly with members of the patrol leaders’ council (PLC) as assigned by the Scoutmaster in administering troop operations such as troop activities, progress review, district and council events.
- On assignment by Scoutmaster, be responsible for troop physical arrangements and properties, working directly with the troop Quartermaster (boy leadership position) and Troop Committee.
- On assignment by the Scoutmaster, work with the troop scribe (boy leadership position) and troop committee in handling of troop records, including attendance, participation, dues payment, and advancement and relay to Scoutmaster any problems that arise in these areas.
- On assignment by Scoutmaster, be responsible for Scoutmaster conferences, merit badge counselor coordination, and parent conferences.
- Be responsible for relationships between troop and Cub Scout pack.
- On assignment by Scoutmaster, be responsible for troop appearance, uniform, proper wearing of badges and insignia; plans to help Scouts earn money for uniforms and equipment; roll call and uniform inspection.
- Be responsible for health and safety in all troop affairs.
- Work with Scouts and parents regarding full utilization of Boys’ Life magazine.
Any committee-approved expenditure for the benefit of the troop will be paid out of Troop Funds. A written receipt must be submitted for all expenditures to the Troop Treasurer. The Treasurer will make permanent detailed book-keeping entries and retain receipts of income and expenses on file. A committee-approved expenditure must be approved by the majority of the entire elected and appointed committee.
A Petty Cash Fund shall be set up to take care of expenditures whose totals are under twenty-five ($25) dollars. Each expenditure must have a receipt and be signed by the committee member who incurred this expense.
Adopted by Troop 3 Committee
Troop Committee Chairperson
________________________________ __________________________________
(Date) (Signature)
Troop Committee Scoutmaster
________________________________ __________________________________
(Date) (Signature )
- Send out committee meeting notices
- Keep minutes of meetings
- Be responsible for record keeping for all troop properties.
- Handles publicity for Troop and helps to recruit new Scouts.
- Handle all troop funds. Maintain checking and savings accounts.
- Pay bills on recommendation of Scoutmaster and authorization of troop committee.
- Supervise troop budget plan and work with troop scribe in developing and maintaining proper record system for collection of dues.
- Makes regular financial reports to Troop Committee.
- Monitor cash generated by fundraising efforts.
- Be responsible for monthly Boards of Review at Troop Committee meetings.
- Keep records of merit badge counselor lists.
- Work with Scoutmaster (or Assistant Scoutmaster if assigned) and Troop Scribe in maintenance of all Scout advancement records.
- See that all supplies for Scout Advancement are on hand: Badges, certificate, insignia, merit badge application, and all other record forms as needed.
- See that advancement reports are sent to Council.
- Work with troop librarian in building and maintaining a troop library of merit badge pamphlets.
- Help troop with all special awards.
- Assist Committee Chairman with orientation for parents of new members.
- Serve as liaison with pack committee in orderly transition of Webelos to Scouts.
- Assist with annual charter review as related to status of each individual Scout member and adult.
- Assist Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters in planning and arranging for Camping Program that provides the opportunity for 10 days and nights of camping for each scout.
- Be responsible for transportation arrangements to troop outdoor events, tour permits, and arrangements for use of camp sites.
- Assist troop leadership in planning for special camping opportunities such as high-adventure outings.
- Assist troop leadership in preparation for long-term summer camp including promotional plans; parents meeting; campsite reservation procedures.
- To research, initiate, and supervise all fund raising projects approved by the Troop Committee.
- To work closely with the Treasurer and obtain Council approval for money earning projects.
- To keep track of all income and expenses in relation to these projects, and report to the Committee as to the outcome of each project.
- Work directly with Scoutmaster (or Assistant Scoutmaster if assigned) and troop quartermaster on acquisition, storage, and proper maintenance of troop camping equipment.
- To keep an inventory of all Troop camping equipment and supplies.
- To seek authorization from the Troop Committee to repair or replace equipment in need of repairs.
- Maintain a safe and clean storage facility for the equipment.