Recent Troop OutingAnnouncements>See calendar below for planned events.
>Make plans now for all upcoming events. ![]() Second Troop High Adventure Trip
Smokey Mountains June 7-11 2021 First Troop High Adventure Trip![]()
From July 28 - August 3rd, 7 scouts and 6 adults from Troop 3 hiked 35 miles of the Smokey Mountain National Park backcountry in Tennessee in 4 days and went white water rafting on last day followed by a steak dinner. Some of the wildlife seen were black bears, timber rattle snakes, flying squirrels. Troop OutingsSee all photos in the photo gallery.
![]() Welcome to the exciting world of Scouting with Troop 3! We are a young and yet award winning troop (having only chartered for 10 years) Come visit us any time, join the troop -- and then let’s have fun and go hiking, biking, swimming, and camping!
We meet at Spiritus Sanctus Academy (Plymouth) School 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. on most Mondays. We are in the Huron Trails District of the Southern Shores FSC Council. Our charter organization is the SSA Plymouth. Our troop is open to any boys interested in this program from either Spiritus Sanctus Academy schools that have completed fifth grade up through 18 years of age. Email us at [email protected] for more information or complete the form on the Contact Us page. ![]() Eagle Scout #22 David Creen is Troop 3's twenty-second Eagle Scout. His outdoor Eagle ceremony was on Sunday, October 4th at Plymouth Township Park. Congratulations David! BSA Quality Unit Award![]() Troop 3 has earned the BSA Quality Unit Award every year since Troop 3 was first chartered in 2010. We are a traditional Boy Scout troop that supports advancement in scout craft skills through camping, hiking, etc and rank advancement. Our Troop also has a strong faith dimension to help boys grow into Catholic men as guided by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting.
Catholic Quality Unit Award![]() The Nation Catholic Committee on Scouting in the Lansing Diocese has again awarded SSA Boy Scout Troop 3 the Catholic Quality Unit Award - Pope Paul VI for 8th time since 2010. This award epitomize scouting units that excel at providing youth with quality programs including religious activities, religious emblems participation, outdoor activities, and special events that encompass he religious, vocational, and educational aspects of Scouting under Catholic auspices. Troop 3 is the second Boy Scout troop in Michigan to receive this award and the first in Lansing Diocese. Congratulations Troop 3!
Roman Catholic ScoutsThe Roman Catholic Church has used the Scouting program since the early days of the Boy Scouts of America. It is one of the most extensive users of the BSA program. There are more than 290,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers in more than 9,265 packs, troops, and crews sponsored by Catholic institutions. Scouting is used in about one-third of the parishes in the United States.
Troop 3 welcomes Roman Catholic boys of all races and cultures as well as those of other religious faiths. We serve our Catholic sponsor, Spiritus Sanctus Academy (Plymouth), by operating SSA Troop 3 as a youth ministry while promoting spiritual growth for all members. National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS)![]() NCCS's Vision: We train young people in service, citizenship and leadership. We offer responsible fun and adventure, and instill lifetime values and ethical character as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law.
North America Saints![]() Each month our scouts can study the life of a North American Saint and earn a patch from the NCCS. This religious activity honors those men and women who led heroic lives of faith. Their words, their deeds, and their devotion to prayer and to the sacraments, inspire all American Catholics.
January - St John Neumann February - Blessed André Bessette March - St. Katerine Drexil April - St. George May - Blessed Damien of Molokai June - Blessed Carlos Rodriguez July - Blessed Junípero Serra August - St. Maxmillian Kolbe September - St Peter Claver October - St Isaac Jogues November - Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro December - St. Francis Xavier Religious Recognitions![]() BSA offers 4 Religious Emblem programs available for scouts to earn. Two that can be earned by Cub Scouts, two that can be earned by Boy Scouts. By completing any of the Religious Emblems, the scout is also entitled to wear the purple BSA Religious Knot. SSA Scouts are encourage to earn all 4 emblems while they are on their Scouting and faith journeys.
All original content © SSA Troop 3. All rights reserved. SSA Troop 3's website is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. SSA Troop 3's website does not speak on behalf of Sanctus Spiritus Academy. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors. Logos, web badges, and buttons are trademark their respective owners.