Advancement Overview
Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps to overcome them through the advancement method. The Scout plans his advancement and progresses at his own pace as he overcomes each challenge. The Scout is rewarded for each achievement, which helps him gain self-confidence. The steps in the advancement system help a boy grow in self-reliance and the ability to help others. All Boy Scouts start scouting by earning the rank of Scout (sometimes referred to as the Joining requirements).
Scout Rank Requirements
Boy Scout craft skills are taught in the Tenderfoot-Second-Class (T-2-1) ranks and are foundational for the trail to Eagle.
Tenderfoot Rank Requirements
Second Class Rank Requirements
First Class Rank Requirements
Videos on T-2-1 Requirements
Earning First Class in 12 Month Program - BSA encourage new scouts to follow a program of working on various T-2-1 requirements in parallel but completing each rank in sequence (Tenderfoot, then Second Class, then First Class). Troop 3's meetings and outings support this plan to assist scouts should they so choose.
Merit badges can be earned at any rank but are only required for earning rank of Star, Life, Eagle. There are 122 merit badges and no troop has the resources to provide them all, therefore scouts can contact any BSA Council certified merit badge counselor. Here is an overview of the 122 merit badges from which a specific 15 are required to attain the Eagle Rank. See the Scoutmaster for a list of merit badge counselors in the area sorted by merit badge.
Star Rank Requirements
Life Rank Requirements
Eagle Rank Requirements
Upon completing all requirements for each rank, scouts arrange a Scoutmaster Conference to assess readiness for a Board of Review. See Guide to Conducting Rank Board of Reviews
Keep your advancement records up to date by getting you Scout Handbook signed regularly and then once a month meet with the Advancement Chairman to transfer your progress in to the TroopMaster Software. Internet Advancement (100213281).
Scout Rank Requirements
Boy Scout craft skills are taught in the Tenderfoot-Second-Class (T-2-1) ranks and are foundational for the trail to Eagle.
Tenderfoot Rank Requirements
Second Class Rank Requirements
First Class Rank Requirements
Videos on T-2-1 Requirements
Earning First Class in 12 Month Program - BSA encourage new scouts to follow a program of working on various T-2-1 requirements in parallel but completing each rank in sequence (Tenderfoot, then Second Class, then First Class). Troop 3's meetings and outings support this plan to assist scouts should they so choose.
Merit badges can be earned at any rank but are only required for earning rank of Star, Life, Eagle. There are 122 merit badges and no troop has the resources to provide them all, therefore scouts can contact any BSA Council certified merit badge counselor. Here is an overview of the 122 merit badges from which a specific 15 are required to attain the Eagle Rank. See the Scoutmaster for a list of merit badge counselors in the area sorted by merit badge.
Star Rank Requirements
Life Rank Requirements
Eagle Rank Requirements
Upon completing all requirements for each rank, scouts arrange a Scoutmaster Conference to assess readiness for a Board of Review. See Guide to Conducting Rank Board of Reviews
Keep your advancement records up to date by getting you Scout Handbook signed regularly and then once a month meet with the Advancement Chairman to transfer your progress in to the TroopMaster Software. Internet Advancement (100213281).